Tuesday, November 9, 2010


So this week I am teaching/leading Wednesday night with the middle school students. The topic given to me to speak about is Trust. At first my thoughts were "really trust wow, yeah what am i going to talk about..." then I realized that my life lately has been a lot about trust. Being a college student I have to trust that my school is really educating me for m future in my profession. Not just that but trusting God with everything.

When we really think about it we use trust everyday. On the road we trust that other drivers are going to obey the traffic laws and that they know how to drive. We trust whoever built the buildings we go into that they are not going to crash down on us. When flying we trust the engineers of the plane and the pilots all of whom we have never met. Yet, we say trust is so hard.I think it is and it isn't. When we are trusting someone usually we are giving up control over something and trusting that they will take care of it. We tell a friend a secret or something, we are trusting that they will not go and tell everyone. We cannot control whether they do or not we just trust. When we give up our power and place our trust in God we are giving up control and trusting that He will lead us in the right direction. I believe He always will. Even the Bible says He will.

This last summer I felt like God was calling me to live the summer away from home and work in a different state. When i showed up the first day I still had no idea where I was going to live but I did have a job and a car. All through the summer when it came down to "I need a place to stay" something happened and I had a place for a while. There were many times where I did not know if I would have enough money for food because I had bills and gas to pay for but in the end I always ended up having a meal that day. In July I was told I had to move out of the place I was currently in and I had till Friday to do so. Thursday night came and I had no idea where I would go, planing on sleeping in my car, I got a phone call from a lady at my church knowing little about my situation she invited me to live the rest of the summer with her and her family. When I had nothing left and I just trusted God He provided. It was so amazing and freeing. Yet, I still find myself having a hard time some days.

Even now when I have experienced it. And have seen Him work miracles I find myself wanting to take control. Some will say it is our "Human side" coming out. Its times like this that I think back to the Israelites. People give them a hard time for falling away. I am guilty of thinking "WTF Israel you saw Him split the Red Sea do you think He will not feed you?" I think all of us do this. We see them and God was so evident. He performed miracle after miracle and yet they still strayed. Now I find myself comparing this to me and my life I see all that God has done for me when I had nowhere else to go yet I still end up falling back to my old ways and not trusting like I am supposed to.

What do we, as individuals and as the Church universal need to give up and trust God with?

1 comment:

  1. What do we, as individuals and as the church universal need to give up and trust God with?

