Saturday, March 15, 2014

Prince Charming Vs. Superheros

I often see girls post on their facebooks about waiting for "Mr. Right" or their "Prince". I have always hated those words and labels, and here is why.

When I hear someone say one of these two things I think of two things. 1. They have unrealistic ideas about the man they may marry, thinking that he has some faults maybe, but generally all together is perfect (like all the prince's in the Disney movies) and 2. That they think they need someone to come and save them, whether that is from singleness or themselves.

first, the unrealistic idea that there is some man out there who will sweep you off your feet, and everything will be live in the movies. Just go talk to a couple who has been married for 20+ years and you will see why you are being illogical.

The part I really want to address is that of waiting for a "prince" in general I have never been into the whole princess prince thing and found it rather lame when I was little, and even now. I don't think I am a raging feminist, but with this I might be. I don't want a prince, I don't need a prince, I am not a damsel in distress that can only be saved by a man. The only saving I need Jesus already did. I am strong and I find my freedom and identity in Christ.

So girls, women you do not need a guy to save you, you can go on living a life changing lives and being complete and  whole without being in a relationship. I truly believe that it is knowing this, and living into this that makes a good relationship. When you find your identity in Christ and not in a guy (or girl), when you realize that you are complete just as you are and that being in a romantic relationship is a blessing and not something that completes you or makes you whole, then you will have a healthier better relationship.

So what do I (and what I think more women do/should) want? A Superhero. This may seem more unrealistic
 than a prince, but it isn't and here is why. When I hear the word superhero I think of Superman, Batman, Iron man, Thor, Spider man etc. and if you have read the comic books or even seen some of the movies you will realize quickly that all of these men are messed up in some way or another. Iron man is one of my favorites and I think Tony Stark is a good example of what I mean. He has a lot of flaws, but he is also willing to fight for what is right. He can be a complete jerk, but he is a good guy. I think all superheros (that are male) realize that they do not need to rescue or save their female counter parts, because (for the most part) these women can kick butt, protect themselves, and fight back. Granted there are times where he does save her, but there are times where she saves him. I want a man who is willing to fight along side me and kick butt, not see me as someone who needs to be saved and protected. I want a man who knows he doesn't complete me, but rather that he is a blessing to me and visa versa.

I don't want a pretty prince charming, I want a beat up superhero.

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