I am Jonah and I am Nineveh
I am cruel to myself and those around me whom I do not like
Not out loud, but in my heart
I am Jonah and I am Nineveh
The Lord calls me to love all
But I only love a few
He has called me to love Nineveh
But I have refused
I am Jonah and I am Nineveh
I tell myself and others about God’s love secretly hoping
that God would still destroy us both
I am Jonah and I am Nineveh
I expect Gods wrath because that is what I deserve
But he continues to show me his love and grace
I am Jonah and I am Nineveh
I complain when I do not understand why God is so merciful
God has reminded me that it is God who is grace
While I do not deserve it I receive it
I am Jonah and I am Nineveh
Not only do I need to repent and return to the one who saves
But I need to accept God’s grace as God has given it.
I do not deserve it
I did not earn it
But for some reason Christ loves me and has given it
I am Nineveh
I have done wrong
I have sinned against God, others, and myself
I need to repent
I am Jonah
I need to accept God’s grace
I need to extend the same grace to myself.
I am Jonah and I am Nineveh.