While I was driving to meet up with friends for lunch on Sunday the song "If we are the body" by casting crowns came on. Being inspired from previous times of hearing this song and it coming on again when I arrived at Red Robbin I promptly asked for a pen and took a napkin and wrote down some thoughts. After showing the napkin to my dear friend Val. she told me I should really start a blog. So here it is. The first one, written about the topic that started the blogging conversation:
If we are the body,
How many times have we hear this song and just sang along and never really listened to the words? A few weeks ago when I was driving to work this song came on the radio and I, as usual, sang along. While at a red light I looked out my window and saw a guy waiting to cross the crosswalk. He looked like the typical nobody, just being honest, he was over weight had on sweats and the typical bull cut that most boys mothers gave them in elementary school. Just from looking at him one could make the assumption that he is not popular, has little to no friends, may even get picked on, the butt of every one's jokes. As I was listening to the song and looked at him my heart sank a little. I wondered if he knew Christ, if anyone ever attempted to tell him this news that we claim to be so great and that is life changing. If not, why not? Because he doesn't "fit in" with our crowd? The song states " Jesus paid much to high of a price for us to pick and choose..." so why do we? why do we as believers and proclaimed followers of the most high pick and choose who we share Jesus with? Many would answer this question with something like "we are afraid of what our friends would say or think" this is valid...somewhat. If they really are our friends they should be there with us and wanting to reach these people (assuming they are also believers) but even then we have our non-christian friends that we don't have any spiritual conversations with.
We have come to the conclusion that "Bible thumping/mega phone" evangelism was wrong and that the way to go is through "relational" evangelism. I am not going to argue on either side. However, if we say we are doing/more comfortable with relational evangelism why don't we really do it? how long do you have to be friends before you bring up spiritual matters? These are people we care about, yet we don't share with them how to live eternally. I am not perfect I have been lacking in this area too. I have felt convicted about it for the past few years and have been trying to change it.
If we really are the body of Christ. If we believe that and are willing to take on the title we need to step up. Reach out to those that society rejects, and to our friends. If we really want to be like Christ our actions should be screaming about His love for people.
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